Monday, August 12, 2013

Summertime Part 2

In my last post, I talked about how crazy and difficult the past several summers have been. In contrast, I have truly enjoyed the summer of 2013. Now I know that we technically have about five weeks of summer left,  but my son starts kindergarten next Monday. From now on, our lives will revolve around the school calendar. So here's a rundown of why 2013 has been so great.

Preschool graduation. Little man was only at this preschool for a semester, but graduation was priceless. Just the thought of twenty little five year-olds in caps and gowns walking to Pomp and Circumstance is adorable.  Here's a shot of my little man. Isn't he adorable? Imagine 19 more of them!
Family time. We traveled to Franklin, TN to see my 91 year old grandmother Memorial Day weekend. We were also able to see my aunt and cousins and their children while we were there. We have also spent time with our parents and sisters and their kids who live closer to us. They say that cousins are your first friends. I see that every time Ben gets to seen his cousins he is so excited. It is so fun to watch him play with the other kids. Some we see often, others only every few years. Friendships with cousins are timeless.

We also celebrated some milestones with family. My in-laws had an open house to celebrate their 40th Anniversary and my parents celebrated their 45th. We have some great role models for marriage.

Time with friends. We have had dinner guests, been dinner guests, been house guests, and gotten together with longtime friends. We have started new friendships and worked to maintain others. And just because I don't talk to some friends as often as I would like, I think of them many times throughout my days. When I was little, I learned a song at 4-H camp. "Make new friends but keep the old. One is silver and the other is gold." So simple but so true.

Time as a family. This summer, I have been home most evenings unlike some recent summers. We all have bikes now and we have been able to hop on the bikes to ride to the playground or the library. There's just something calming about riding through town and enjoying the scenery and the kids. Ben played t-ball so many evenings were spent at the ball field. We have also just hung out outside playing ball, swinging, or gardening as a family.

Weather. Oh my goodness, our weather in Central Illinois has been wonderful this summer. We had a terribly mild winter followed by a very wet spring. Summer has been mild and pleasant, if not cool. So far, we have only had a few days of real heat, but nothing like last year when it was in the upper 90s for days on end. As a farmer's daughter, however, I hope that the mild weather does not have a negative impact on the crops. Of course pleasant weather leads to more time outside instead of hiding in air conditioning.
God. Three weeks of VBS on top of regular weekend worship services have strengthened Ben's knowledge and faith. I've been able to do some reading. As I write this, we are at a 3 day
Christian music festival in West Michigan where thousands of other believers have gathered to see concerts and sing praises. We were fortunate tonight to have VIP passes to seats just off stage and a different view of two of the bands. But as we were leaving, we walked the whole circle around the grounds. We left because our oldest was already asleep and the little one needed to be. So as we walked out we were near the back of the crowd. Seeing thousands of people with hands held high in worship and singing along with the band Casting Crowns is an unbelievable sight. It is perhaps even better than the nearly front row seats we had because it helped to remind me that I am among a large family of believers. The picture below is from only about half way back through the crowd. Music brings us together and sticks in your head to remind us of the love of God and his grace.

We still have some great things to look forward to before school,  and that's only a week away! More
time with friends and family. More gardening as there are probably 200 tomatoes at home ready to pick and can. More evenings at home and on bikes. And more time spent with God at regular activities and the Women of Faith event next weekend I'm attending with a sister. Our lives have been busy this summer, but filled with blessings and, well, joy. 2013 certainly fits Gershwin's first line. "Summertime and the living is easy."

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